Wedding Workout Plan

How to Slim Down The Aisle

Wedding Workout Plan
Wedding Workout Plan

Your wedding workout plan is important because your upcoming wedding day is a big day! Of course, you want to feel your best. As a result, you also want to show up and look your best.

A wedding workout plan of exercise and fitness is all about gaining an education through nutrition. It is also an accomplishment that we take with us throughout our entire lives as women. Our focus is about bringing the best version of ourselves to our life and the lives as a married woman. 

As founder of Slim Down The Aisle, I will never recommend crash diets or high intensity exercise programs. The reason for this is because they are not sustainable. I want my clients to succeed while maintaining results. Slim Down The Aisle’s Wedding Workout Plan teaches my clients to maintain their results. These results come directly from their experience and education about how the body works, which they can use for the rest of their lives. 


  • First and foremost, it’s important to know we have far more value as women than the sculpture of our beautiful bodies. Yes, ladies, we are beautiful sculptures of art to celebrate, but we are so much more within our hearts.
  • As a result, this new view of self-worth carries over into the world and affects those around us.

Walking down the aisle on your wedding day is more than feeling like you look physically perfect. My Wedding Workout Plan is about walking down the aisle as a whole person who is ready for a healthy relationship.

People notice when we are able to bring our best selves, to love ourselves, as well as evolve within ourselves. They see the maturity and wisdom from a Wedding Workout Plan that is necessary to create our best health. As a result, we show up on a wedding day with a whole heart.

Before we begin, I want you to do a couple of things;

  1. Download a copy of Girl, Get Your Fit Together; The 5 Pound Challenge.
  2. Sign up for your FREE WEEK of my Trainerize APP for iPhone and Android.
  3. Begin watching how much sugar you have in your diet.
  4. If you need to open a can, then you’re not eating clean.
  5. Eat Your Veggies.

When you have done that, send me an email and we can begin to Slim Down The Aisle. Do not worry…I am here for you. My goal is to help you discover your best self and look great while doing it.